Procedure Details
The patient presented with pain and cosmetic concern. She was embarrassed about the condition of her teeth, causing her to never smile or let her teeth be seen. She had broken teeth and old restorations. An exam with Dr. Patel and xrays revealed decay and periodontal bone loss. It was recommended to extract all of her remaining teeth and place mini implants for an SDI-Overdenture (denture held in place by implants). Impressions were taken for her dentures and once she approved of their appearance and shade of the teeth, she was scheduled to begin treatment. All of her remaining teeth were extracted and bone grafts were placed, due to insufficient bone to support the implants. While she healed, she chose to have temporary dentures made so she could function normally. She was seen regularly for follow up appointments and 8 months later she was ready for her permanent set. Four mini implants were placed in her lower jaw and attachments were put into the permanent overdenture allowing it to "snap" into place. She again was seen regularly for follow up appointments and said she "couldn't stop smiling".
Procedure Details
The patient presented with pain and cosmetic concerns with a lower tooth that had an old existing crown on it. During an examination, Dr. Patel found that the existing crown had an open margin between the tooth and gums that allowed for decay to get underneath. It was diagnosed that the patient needed the decay cleaned out and a new crown placed. The tooth was prepared, scanned and milled on our CEREC computer & milling unit, which allows the patient to receive their permanent crown the same day. Once the crown was made, Dr. Patel checked the margins and verified the biting occlusion, making proper adjustments for a correct fit. The patient was given instructions for proper home hygiene care and scheduled back for their routine check up appointment.
Procedure Details
The patient had concerns of decay and aesthetics of her upper right teeth. The enamel on two teeth appeared worn and brown discoloration was noted. During an exam, Dr. Patel found a moderate depth of decay. A plan was presented to the patient for composite, also known as "tooth colored" fillings for the restorations. Dr. Patel removed all decay and placed the composite fillings. Proper adjustments were made to her bite, the teeth were polished and flossing contacts were checked. The patient should maintain good home care and her teeth will be continuously examined at her routine hygiene appointments.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with an old amalgam (silver) filling that had began to fall out over time. The tooth appeared to have some cracks and it was clearly visible that small pieces of the filling were missing. After performing an exam and xray, Dr. Patel diagnosed that the tooth was fractured and had current decay close to the nerve. Due to the failed existing restoration, extent of decay and condition of tooth structure, Dr. Patel recommended a build up, crown and pulp cap as treatment. The tooth was excavated, removing all present decay. During this process, laser treatment was used to access decay from under the gum line and remove the unhealthy gum tissue . Decay had reached close to the nerve, so a pulp cap was placed. A pulp cap is a material used to protect exposed nerve that is still healthy, in order to help prevent a root canal. The tooth was then built up to provide a proper base for the crown. Using the CEREC computer and milling chamber, Dr. Patel conveniently scanned the area, designed a crown and cemented it all in the same day. This eliminates the hassle of taking impressions and dealing with a temporary crown while waiting for a lab to finish the process. The patient's crown was cemented and proper adjustments were made for a correct fit and bite. He continued to return for his routine hygiene visits.
Procedure Details
The patient expressed concerns of unhealthy gums and poor cosmetic appeal. During a comprehensive exam he was found to have inflamed gum tissue with deep pockets between the tissues and teeth, causing bacteria to become trapped. As a result, the patient had developed active periodontal disease and moderate bone loss. Dr. Patel's diagnosis included the recommendation of a Scaling and Root Planing, also known as a deep cleaning. The procedure included the removal of all calculus, plaque, bacteria and toxins from both the tooth and root surfaces. The patient received instructions for proper home health care and was also placed on a regular periodontal maintenance routine in office to maintain his periodontal disease.
Procedure Details
The patient disclosed primary concerns of unhealthy gums, bad breath and cosmetic appeal. He presented with heavy calculus, bone loss & inflamed gum tissue. Our analysis was active periodontal disease. The patient was asked to start with Scaling & Root Planing, also known as a deep cleaning. Scaling & Root Planing sessions were performed on all four quadrants to remove the calculus, plaque, bacteria and toxins from both the tooth and root surfaces. He was given proper home health care hygiene instructions as well as placed on a periodontal maintenance schedule in office to help promote good healing and to help maintain healthy gums. Since there is no cure for periodontal disease, the patient will continuously be examined and his gums reassessed under our care.
Procedure Details
The patient came in for an emergency, due to a broken crown on a front tooth. Her main concern was saving the tooth and having treatment completed the same day, as it was a cosmetic concern when she spoke or smiled. Visually, it was noted that the crown had broken and the metal post inside was exposed. The gum tissue surrounding the tooth had become diseased and overgrown, due to the presence of decay. Dr. Patel was able to determine that the decay had reached sub-gingival, meaning very deep, below the gum line and he recommended using laser gum treatment for access. This technology combines laser energy with a gentle stream of water which allows Dr. Patel to remove the diseased tissue, then access and remove all decay. The tooth was then prepared with a build up, post and new crown completing treatment the same day. The patient was given post operative instructions and will continue on their routine hygiene schedule in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with a gap between her two upper and lower front teeth. During an exam, Dr. Patel was able to diagnose that the frenum (connective tissue) in both areas had began to pull, causing gum recession and diastemas (spaces between teeth). Not only did this cause a cosmetic concern for the patient, but there was also risk of periodontal disease due to the gum recession. Dr. Patel recommended a frenectomy of both areas and with the assistance of our Waterlase laser, the connective tissue was removed. After minimal healing time the patient was able to return for her routine hygiene visits.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with a history of periodontal disease. After a thorough exam and review of his digital x-rays taken in our office, Dr. Patel diagnosed that the patient had aggressive Periodontitis which had resulted in bleeding gums, bone loss, inflammation and some mobile teeth. Dr. Patel recommended that the patient undergo scaling and root planing to address the present plaque, calculus and stain on the surface and roots of his teeth. The patient was placed on a three month cleaning schedule and educated on the importance of maintaining good homecare. During these routine visits the patient's gum tissues were evaluated and continued to reveal deeper pocket depths around his teeth. Due to the continued poor prognosis of his mobile teeth and severe periodontal disease Dr. Patel recommended laser gum surgery. This allowed him access below the gum line to remove all bacteria, diseased gum tissue and decaying bone. The roots of his teeth were again scaled and smoothed and the bone was recontoured. Using the laser eliminated the need for scalpels and sutures which resulted in minimal bleeding and pain. This allowed faster healing, promoting healthy gum regrowth. We continue to monitor the patient's oral health and educate him on the importance of his homecare.
Procedure Details
This patient presented with chronic periodontitis which had resulted in inflamed bleeding gums, overgrowth of tissue and bone loss with deep pockets. Due to his poor homecare, being an active smoker and his aggressive periodontal disease, Dr. Patel recommended he undergo laser gum treatment. The patient however, requested to start with scaling & root planing first. The scaling & root planing was performed to address the present plaque and calculus on the surface and roots of his teeth. He was educated on the importance of good homecare and provided proper oral hygiene instructions. When the patient returned three months later for his periodontal maintenance, his hygiene had not improved and he was still an active smoker. Dr. Patel recommended proceeding with laser gum surgery. This allowed him access below the gum line to remove all bacteria, diseased tissue and decaying bone. The roots of his teeth were again scaled & smoothed and the bone was recontoured. Using the laser eliminated the need for scalpels & sutures, which resulted in minimal bleeding and pain. This allowed for faster healing, promoting healthy gum regrowth. Dr. Patel continues to monitor the patient's oral health and educate him on the importance of his homecare.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for an emergency appointment due to a broken tooth. He was beginning to have pain and the tooth was sharp. During an exam we were able to see a large piece of the existing crown had broken off and the tooth behind was discolored around an old filling . After taking an x-ray we were able to diagnose current decay under the crown and filling, so a treatment plan was presented for replacing both. The teeth were excavated (decay cleaned out) a new filling was placed in one and the other tooth was scanned using digital impressions to design and make a same day crown. The crown was placed, bite was checked and adjustments were made for a correct fit. The patient was encouraged to continue proper hygiene care at home and scheduled for his routine care in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient presented to us after having a wisdom tooth extracted at an oral surgeon's office. The tooth in front of the one she just had removed appeared to have a black spot on the side surface and the biting surface was worn. The gum tissue surrounding the tooth appeared inflamed and overgrown. Upon examination, there appeared to be a "flap" of tissue between the extraction site and existing tooth where a drainage of pus had developed and an x-ray confirmed that decay was present as well. Dr. Patel prescribed antibiotics and drained the infection site. The decay was cleaned out of the tooth and a composite "tooth-colored" filling was placed. The patient returned a few days later for laser treatment. Dr. Patel used our Waterlase laser to remove the overgrowth of tissue surrounding her tooth as well as all remaining infection inside and around the bone. The patient returned regularly for follow up appointments to monitor the area and was able to continue with her regular hygiene schedule in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with inflammation and a loose implant abutment and crown, due to an overgrowth of gum tissue and Peri-Implantitis. The gum tissue had become so overgrown and inflamed that it had essentially "pushed" the abutment and crown out of the implant. Using the WaterLase laser, Dr. Patel removed the overgrown tissue and bacteria around the implant surface. He was able to decontaminate and re-contour the bone that was lost due to the peri-implantitis. Finishing the treatment process with the WaterLase, Dr. Patel disinfected the original abutment and crown, so the patient was able to utilize them once again.
Procedure Details
The patient presented in pain for an emergency appointment. A tooth on her upper left had become loose and an x-ray revealed a large infection. Upon examination, Dr. Patel diagnosed that the tooth was decayed, fractured and had become periodontally involved. The significant bone loss resulted in unrestorable mobility and required extraction. Once the tooth was removed, Dr. Patel used the laser for infectious tissue removal and bone disinfection. A bone graft was placed to support a replacement restoration and once the site had fully healed four months later, an implant was placed. The patient returned at a later date for the implant crown and she continued on a regular hygiene schedule that included implant maintenance.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with a broken crown on a tooth that had previous root canal treatment. Due to it's condition, the tooth was not salvageable. Dr. Patel recommended an extraction and bone graft in order to have sufficient bone structure for a future implant, at the patient's request. Once the site had healed, an implant was placed. Dr. Patel continued to monitor the patient's healing and stability of the implant over the next few months. When ready, an abutment and same day CEREC crown were placed as the final restoration. The patient left satisfied with a natural looking tooth and continues to be seen for his routine hygiene visits.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with jaw pain and his lower right area was painful to touch; with hot/cold/sweets and when biting or chewing. At times he experienced shooting pain level of 10. Dr. Patel noted that the gum around a lower right tooth was inflamed and an x-ray revealed an infection with a necrotic pulp. The pulp is the soft area within the tooth that contains the nerve, blood vessels and connective tissue. When the nerve looses blood flow it essentially "dies", causing the entire pulp to die and need root canal treatment. Dr. Patel excavated (removed all decay and cleaned out), disinfected and irrigated the tooth's canals. A material called Gutta Percha was placed to fill the canals and then they were sealed off. The patient was seen for a follow up appointment one week later and cleared for a crown as the final restoration.
Procedure Details
This patient underwent a full smile makeover in one day with a visit to Dr. Patel in Melbourne, Fl! After a root canal, the patient opted for same-day CEREC crowns to achieve a dazzling, new smile. The ceramic crown technology was able to correct tooth shape and tooth discoloration for this patient.
Procedure Details
This patient came to Dr. Patel seeking to correct an issue with her primary incisors on the top of her mouth. After a root canal, Dr. Patel was able to cosmetically restore the look of her smile with a CEREC Crown all in the same day! Same-day crowns use advanced technology that results in a natural look and increased convenience for the patient.
Procedure Details
While in town visiting, the patient broke a tooth that had recently been filled back home. She was having pain and needed to be seen right away. The tooth was broken, fractured and endodontically involved, meaning there was decay into the nerve. Dr. Patel's diagnosis provided the patient with two different treatment options to either save the tooth with a root canal and crown, or extract it. She decided to save it. Dr. Patel excavated the tooth and removed all decay with the help of our Waterlase laser. The Waterlase was used to access decay below the gum line, as well as disinfect the area. Once the canals were cleaned out, they were filled with a material called "gutta percha" and then sealed off. A post was placed inside for stability and then the tooth structure was built up to support placement of a crown. Using our CEREC computer Dr. Patel took a digital scan of the tooth and a crown was made in our CEREC milling chamber the same day. Once cemented, any necessary adjustments were made to ensure a correct fit and bite.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with a missing tooth on the lower left. She was worried about her bite and ability to chew since she would need other future extractions. Her goal was to have an implant placed, however she had an allergy to metal and wasn't sure it would be possible. A CBCT (Cone Beam CT) was taken in our office and revealed that the bone structure and space made her a good candidate for implant placement. Due to her metal allergy, a Zirconia implant was placed. Dr. Patel continues to monitor her healing and the patient will return for the implant abutment and crown.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with two missing teeth on the lower right. She was having trouble chewing and wanted to replace them with implants. A CBCT (Cone Beam Catscan) was taken in our office, which revealed there was bone loss in the area, however the remaining bone and space made her a good candidate for implants. Dr. Patel placed bone grafts in each area to help increase the bone density, resulting in the stability needed. Once the implants were placed Dr. Patel continue to monitor the patient's healing and approximately two months later he restored the implants with abutments and crowns. The patient continues with her routine visits in our office along with her own homecare to maintain good oral health.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for an emergency appointment to address pain. The tooth previously had a root canal completed, so there should not have been a feeling of pain in the actual tooth. A digital x-ray was taken and showed a PARL (Periapical Radiolucency, a change indicating bacteria and infection at the tip of the tooth root.) A periodontal (gum) and endodontic abscess was diagnosed as well as minimal bone loss. An incision and drainage along with antibiotics were recommended as treatment. Using the Waterlase laser, Dr. Patel accessed the infection, cleaned out the bacteria and diseased tissue below the gum line and around the bone. We continued to monitor the patient at follow up appointments. Another digital x-ray, shown here, was taken 15 months later and bone regeneration was noted. She was able to continue with her routine care in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient was seen in our office for a dental emergency. She was experiencing pain and sensitivity when biting and chewing. The pain woke her up in the middle of the night, prompting her to request an emergency appointment. An exam and xray revealed that a tooth on her lower right was abscessed and due to bone loss, was now non restorable. Dr. Patel diagnosed that the tooth needed to be extracted. After discussing replacement options, the patient decided that she wanted to replace the tooth with an implant. The tooth was extracted and due to insufficient bone structure, a bone graft was placed in the site. A few months later once the site healed, an implant was placed and subsequent appointments were made to check the healing and implant stability. The implant was restored about three months later with a same day crown. (Depending on the patient's healing time and regeneration of bone, the entire implant process usually takes between 5-12 months.) Once her treatment was completed, the patient was instructed to continue with her routine care in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with concern about an old silver filling that had begun to chip away on her upper left. She was embarrassed about the look and condition of the tooth. During her exam, a digital x-ray revealed recurrent decay under the existing amalgam filling and cracks within the tooth. The old filling was removed and the tooth was excavated with the help of our WaterLase laser to access the subgingival decay. Due to the extensive decay, Dr. Patel recommended that a pulp cap be placed to help protect the unexposed nerve tissue. The tooth structure was built up for support and a crown was milled using our same day CEREC chamber. Once her occlusion was checked and any necessary adjustments were made for a correct fit and bite, the crown was permanently cemented.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with an old bridge on her lower right that was placed many years ago. During an exam with Dr. Patel, he found extensive decay under the bridge causing the two remaining teeth to be un-restorable. A CBCT (cone beam ct scan) was taken and revealed that the patient was a good candidate for implants. After removing the old bridge, Dr. Patel extracted the teeth and placed bone grafts at both sites, due to there being insufficient bone to support the future implants. Over the next 3 months the patient was seen to monitor healing until the implants were placed and then subsequent appointments were made during the next 2 months to again monitor healing and check implant stability. Using our CEREC unit, Dr. Patel was able to fabricate and place the implant bridge in the same day. The patient continues to be seen for her routine care in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for an emergency appointment for a broken tooth. He arrived in "excruciating pain" and was unable to eat or sleep. The tooth had broken off at the gumline and a digital radiograph revealed that an infection was present. Due to the active infection and condition of the remaining tooth structure, Dr. Patel diagnosed it as unrestorable and recommended an extraction. He was able to remove the tooth the same day and prescribed antibiotics to help clear any remaining infection. The patient's healing was monitored at a follow up appointment and he was able to resume his normal hygiene maintenance.
Procedure Details
This patient was seen for an emergency appointment to address pain and a loose crown. A digital x-ray revealed there was decay present and the tooth was cracked. Due to the mobility and condition of the tooth, Dr. Patel recommended an extraction. To relieve the patient's pain, the extraction was performed during his emergency visit. Dr. Patel monitored the patient's healing and he was able to continue his routine hygiene appointments in our office.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for a second opinion due to her history of recent dental treatment that generated complications. These included infection and bone loss around a recently placed implant, as well as recession of the gums around it and adjacent teeth. With the aid of digital diagnostic tests such as an intra-oral camera, digital x-rays and cone beam ct scan Dr. Patel verified infection and un-restorability of the adjacent tooth. After discussing benefits and alternatives with the patient, Dr. Patel helped with removal of the infected tooth, that would have compromised the longevity of the recently placed implant. The cone beam ct scan revealed bone loss around the implant, but that it could be restored. For the purpose of maintaining space, providing a cosmetic solution and helping the bone graft healing, a transitional partial was provided at the end of surgery for the healing period. The patient was monitored with follow up appointments and in 2-6 months she will be ready to restore her implant.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with broken teeth and an esthetic concern. A digital x-ray revealed a deep depth of decay in the patient's last three lower left teeth. Intraoral photos were taken and reviewed with the patient in order for him to visually see the need for treatment. Dr. Patel recommended composite tooth colored fillings. The teeth were excavated with laser assistance to access decay below the gum line. Composite tooth-colored fillings were placed, his occlusion was checked and bite adjusted. The patient will return for his routine hygiene appointments.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for an emergency visit due to a broken tooth. During an exam with Dr. Patel, digital x-rays revealed a vertical crack, requiring a root canal. The tooth was excavated and evaluated, while an intraoral camera was used to record diagnostic photos of the treatment process. The canals were cleaned and disinfected with the help of our Biolase laser and then filled with a material called "gutta percha". Dr. Patel placed a temporary filling at the access until the patient returned a week later for her permanent crown. The temporary filling was taken out and once all decay was removed, the remaining tooth structure was insufficient to support a crown. A post was placed and the tooth was built up to provide stability. Using our CEREC computer and milling chamber, Dr. Patel designed a crown that was then cemented the same day.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for an emergency appointment because he had broken a tooth on the lower right. Dr. Patel examined the patient and reviewed his x-ray, which revealed the tooth was fractured and un-restorable. He recommended an extraction and an implant as replacement. After the tooth was extracted, Dr. Patel placed a bone graft, due to there being insufficient bone structure for an implant. Since the bone graft provided good primary stability, the patient was able to receive his implant the same day. Dr. Patel will monitor the patient's healing and in a couple months will be able to restore the implant with a CEREC crown.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with a broken tooth and missing crown. A digital x-ray and CBCT (cone beam catscan) were taken. They revealed a fracture within the tooth, deep decay and an active infection. Dr. Patel diagnosed the tooth as unrestorable and recommended an extraction. Over the next several weeks, the patient was seen for follow up appointments to monitor healing of the extraction site. To replace the tooth, the patient chose to have a bridge placed, as the adjacent teeth had also presented with decay and required crowns. Using our Waterlase laser, Dr. Patel was able to access the...
Procedure Details
During your initial visit, we will review your medical and dental history, as well as gather any medical clearances if necessary. You will be able to discuss what motivates you to seek dental care and any emotional concerns or fears you may have. We will collect diagnostic information including but not limited to x-rays and intraoral photos. Dr. Patel will perform an oral cancer screening, examine your gum tissue and evaluate the condition of your jaw joints and bite. We will chart any prior or existing decay and review oral hygiene instructions with you. Once all of the diagnostic information has been gathered, you will be scheduled back for a full treatment plan consultation with Dr. Patel.
Procedure Details
The patient presented with a cracked crown on an upper right tooth. An emergency exam and digital x-ray revealed deep decay and a fractured root, resulting in the tooth being un-restorable. Due to insufficient bone in the area and the patient's desire to eventually replace the missing tooth, Dr. Patel recommended an extraction and bone graft to help support a future implant. The patient was seen for follow up visits to monitor his healing and eventually began the implant process.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for an emergency appointment to address a tooth on the upper left that had broken off at the gum line. During an exam with Dr. Patel, a digital x-ray revealed the tooth had decay into the nerve and was not salvageable. An extraction was recommended, along with a bone graft, due to insufficient remaining bone structure to support an implant as replacement. The patient's healing was monitored and two months later the implant was placed. Dr. Patel continued to monitor the patient's progress and one month later, the implant was stable with zero mobility noted. A same day CEREC crown was provided as the final implant restoration.
Procedure Details
The patient presented for a second opinion after seeing several other dentists, regarding her concern of decay. She had staining and "black spots" she could see on her teeth along with an old amalgam (silver) filling that she felt was falling apart. During an exam with Dr. Patel, digital x-rays were taken, as well as photos using our intraoral camera. The x-rays were examined using our Logicon technology and revealed active decay present. Dr. Patel diagnosed a plan to remove the old filing and decay. The teeth were excavated and due to the depth of decay, a protective liner was placed in each tooth to help calm the nerves and prevent root canals. Composite (tooth colored material) was filled and shaped in each tooth. The patient will continue to be seen for her routine cleanings and exams to help ensure the health of her teeth and gums.
Procedure Details
The patient scheduled an initial visit for a chief complaint of waking up in the middle of the night and in the morning with jaw pain that radiated all the way up to her temples. The patient disclosed a previous history of TMJ and Dr. Patel was able to confirm a diagnosis of TMJD, during an examination and further testing. She presented with a displaced disk in her jaw joint, decay and wear of teeth due to her grinding and clenching. It was recommended that she wear an NTI device. This prevents the top and bottom teeth from making contact, eliminating the possibility of clenching or grinding. The NTI also reduces stress on the joint which relieves pain. She was fitted for the appliance, given proper home care instructions and was seen for follow up visits to ensure the device was assisting properly in her TMJD recovery.
Procedure Details
The patient was experiencing jaw fatigue, headaches, and night time grinding/clenching. He presented with chipping restorations, breaking teeth, decreased range of motion and sensitivity to temperature. Dr. Patel diagnosed him with TMJD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder), secondary to parafunction from his grinding and clenching. A treatment plan was provided to try appliance therapy with a night guard to help alleviate his symptoms and prevent any further damage. Once all of the necessary restorations of his teeth were complete, a night guard was specifically molded to fit his mouth. He was able to utilize the guard to help with his grinding and clenching, as well as prevent any long term side effects.
Procedure Details
This patient came to Dr. Patel in Florida to achieve an extreme transformation for his teeth and smile. This full mouth restoration included tooth extractions and bone grafting to rebuild a foundation. Dr. Patel then utilized dental implants and overdentures to achieve the desired cosmetic effect. Now this patient can smile proudly to show off a beautiful, new smile!
Procedure Details
The patient called and requested an appointment to whiten his teeth. He complained of stains from smoking and wanted a brighter, white smile. During an exam it was noted there was heavy visible stain and tarter on all of his teeth. Prior to whitening it would be necessary for him to receive a dental cleaning, in order to remove the tartar for the whitening material to be effective. A full mouth debridement, or FMD was performed to removed the extensive plaque and tartar buildup from the surfaces of his teeth that would interfer with our ability to provide a future routine cleaning. Once his teeth were cleaned he completed the in office Zoom whitening process. We provided instructions for home maintenance and he was placed on a routine hygiene schedule.